Voice SMS Service

Voice SMS Service Provider in India

The popularity of Voice SMS service providers in India has increased dramatically in the past few years. The assistance of this tech may help you attract people to your brand effortlessly. People have recognized this hands-free tech as an efficient form of communication, moreover ‘human-like.

Voice SMS Service Provider in India

According to the users, this tech has more of a ‘personalized’ touch with itself, Bulk voice broadcast and text-to-speech are one of them. If you are willing to increase your business’s usage of voice-enabled technology or maybe if you’re looking forward to getting started and merely gaining its understanding, even then, this tech can prove to be beneficial.


Precisely, a bulk voice call service provider in India, this service stands as one of the most efficient marketing strategies that can bring in more leads and strengthen the brand. As a result, Bulk Voice SMS services or voice text messages in India are the only choices for firms that want to develop a solid marketing plan to help them achieve their company goals.

How do Voice SMS Services work?

Voice SMS services allow users to record personalized voice messages, which are then sent to recipients’ phones. This engaging communication method simplifies messaging and enhances user interaction. Here are some steps of how it works:

  1. Record Voice: You start by recording a voice message, just like leaving a voicemail on someone’s phone.
  2. Enter Recipient Numbers: Next, you enter the phone numbers of the people you want to send the voice message to. This can be a single person or a list of contacts.
  3. Sending the Voice SMS: Once everything is set, you hit the send button. The Voice SMS service takes care of delivering your recorded message to the chosen recipients.
  4. Delivery Confirmation: After the message is sent, you might receive a notification confirming that your message was successfully delivered to the recipients.

How do Voice SMS Services work

How can voice SMS services be beneficial to you

How can voice SMS services be beneficial to you?

  • High ROI: Voice SMS broadcasting helps you make more than 100% ROI
  • Personalization: Voice messages allow for a more personalized and human touch in communication. Hearing someone’s voice can create a stronger connection, making the message more memorable and impactful.
  • Lead Generation: Reach prospects effectively, save time, and convey emotion, enhancing personalized communication for business success.
  • Survey: Surveys using voice messages make it easy to share opinions. Quick, accessible, and personal, they enhance communication experiences for all.
  • Election campaign: Election campaigns benefit from voice SMS, making messages clear, personal, and accessible to diverse voters, fostering efficient communication.

Voice SMS features

Before going for a Voice Call Service Provider in India, it is necessary to look at the features since it gives an idea of how the service functions. Here’s a list of features of Voice SMS Service Providers in India:

Voice SMS features

1. Personal Touch:

Voice SMS adds a personal touch, conveying emotions and connection through spoken words, making communication more warm and genuine.
Voice SMS features

2. Wider Reach:

Voice SMS services bring people together easily, reaching more individuals, breaking language barriers, and ensuring communication for all.

Voice SMS features

3. Scalable Platform:

Scalable platforms grow easily. Voice SMS is a scalable tool, making communication flexible and efficient for diverse users.

Voice SMS features

4. Saves your Cost:

Voice SMS saves money by reducing typing time, minimizing misunderstandings, and enhancing communication efficiency for cost-effective interactions.

Ultimate Guide to Choosing the Right SMTP Server for Your Email Marketing Needs

5. Improves Productivity:

Voice SMS saves time, making communication faster. It helps people get more done, improving productivity in daily tasks.
Guide to Choosing the Right SMTP Server for Email Marketing Needs

7. Powerful API:

Powerful API makes voice SMS easy to use, enabling quick, personalized communication with accessibility benefits for diverse audiences.
Guide to Choosing the Right SMTP Server for Email Marketing Needs

6. Pay Only for Answered Calls:

Pay Only for Answered Calls: Save money by paying for messages only when they’re listened to, maximizing communication efficiency.

Guide to Choosing the Right SMTP Server for Email Marketing Needs

8. Assured Delivery:

Voice SMS ensures your messages are delivered securely, offering the peace of mind of assured and reliable communication always.

What are Voice SMS Services?

Voice SMS services are a convenient and effective communication tool that allows users to send voice messages to individuals or groups via phone calls. Unlike traditional text-based SMS, voice sms service enables users to convey emotions, tone, and nuances through spoken words.

What are Voice SMS Services?

This service is particularly valuable for reaching audiences who may have limited literacy or prefer auditory communication. Voice SMS can be employed for various purposes, including personal messages, business updates, marketing campaigns, and emergency notifications.


It provides a more personal touch to communication, fostering a stronger connection between the sender and the recipient. Users can easily record and send voice messages through a user-friendly interface, making it accessible to a wide range of users.


Overall, Voice SMS services offer a versatile and engaging communication solution that bridges the gap between text-based messages and phone calls, enhancing the effectiveness and impact of the messages being delivered.

How Voice SMS Services Work?

Voice SMS Service Provider provides a unique and efficient way to communicate by allowing users to send voice messages to recipients via traditional phone networks.

Users initiate the process by recording a message, which is then converted into a digital format.The service assigns a unique code to the message, and the recipient receives a notification prompting them to retrieve the voice SMS.


Upon retrieval, the recipient can listen to the message using their phone’s audio capabilities.This method is particularly useful in situations where typing a text message may be inconvenient or challenging, providing a more personal touch to communication.


Bulk Voice SMS Service bridges the gap between traditional voice calls and text messaging, offering a versatile and accessible means of sharing information in a fast-paced digital landscape.

What are Voice SMS Services?

Why choose us?

Why choose usAt Digtalaka, we combine our efficiency and incredible techniques to provide our customers with their desired results. We are known in the market as the best Voice Bulk SMS Services provider in Delhi, Noida, Ghaziabad, Mumbai, Chennai, and Banglore for our clients with the most effective marketing strategy. We help in the creation of impact, which attracts leads, as well as further converts those leads into prospective customers. Nationwide, we have been recognized as one of India’s most dependable and cost-effective Voice SMS Service Providers in India.

What are Voice SMS Services?

We hold great feedback from our customers and aim to provide our client base with the most exemplary service possible. We at Digitalaka are constantly striving to improve and fulfill our claim of being among the most dependable Voice SMS Service Providers in India. Owing to our service, which has a low cost and high delivery rate, our voice SMS modalities resulted in a strong Return on Investment.

Trust us for the following reasons:

  • Several sample codes for Voice API in various applications.
  • Access all voice messaging services in a single location.
  • Take advantage of our unique voice call interface to connect with others in a way that suits you best.
  • Work with a team that knows a lot and is very skilled.
  • Customers we can reach anywhere in the country.
  • User-friendly platform for easy voice promotions.
  • Integrate Voice Call APIs with ease in PHP, Java, and other languages, enhancing your applications.

Our Voice SMS Services campaign Pricing



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Why Voice SMS services?

In today’s time, one of the most convenient and straightforward methods of connecting and engaging with a big group of people is Bulk Voice Message providers in India.

Choosing the Right Bulk SMS Service Provider

Today, access to this technology is the most acceptable bargain for getting recognized in the market, promoting and growing a business’s contact with the masses. Voice broadcasting by bulk voice call service providers in India is being used so extensively today for one’s commercial objectives.


Using a single click, one can make many outbound calls, and this is today’s email marketing strategy simplified. Since the ultimate goal of using this tech is to develop an effective marketing plan, we assist our clients in reaching out to many consumers or the public in general. Therefore, contributing to the expansion and strengthening of the businesses.

The usage of bulk voice call services is seen for the following:

  • Notifications
  • Community alerts
  • Marketing/ Promotion of the company

Specific usage of this bulk voice call service provider

If you are wondering about the specific usage of this bulk voice call service provider which has already created tremendous hype in the market, then here is a list of applications of the same:

  • Mobile Marketing
  • Wake-up calls
  • Political campaigns
  • Stock alerts
  • Customer surveys
  • Invitation messages
  • EMI related notifications
  • Reminders

We offer numerous means to our users, which help them communicate and interact with masses via which they may extend their existing reach to all types of phone owners out there.

If you want to get hold of this service and are looking forward to it, you may contact us through email, phone, or text message. We at Digitalaka will make every attempt to give you comprehensive support during the whole process.

Benefits Voice SMS Services

Why would someone opt for a service/ product if there were no convincing benefits attached to it? You may have a glance at the list of advantages associated with the Voice SMS service, which will help you understand it better:

Benefits Voice SMS Services

Most preferred way

It is an intimate yet highly chosen method of connecting with individuals for business needs.

Benefits Voice SMS Services

Real-time reporting

It helps in the quick evaluation of marketing reactions.

Benefits Voice SMS Services

Personalized Touch

Voice messages have an enormous impact on text messages, making them more influential.

Benefits Voice SMS Services

Use anywhere, everywhere

bulk voice call service may be utilized worldwide or sent to all types of people regardless of mobile or landline user.

Benefits Voice SMS Services

No language barrier

These messages can reach a vast number of consumers who are fluent in the regional language.

Benefits Voice SMS Services

High reach

It is of great help to generate funds, hold conferences, and promote social consciousness among the masses.

Voice SMS Service VS Text SMS Service

Voice SMS service and text SMS service are two distinct communication channels that businesses often leverage to connect with their audience. Text SMS, with its concise and written nature, allows for quick dissemination of information. It is cost-effective, widely accessible, and ensures that the message is delivered and stored for future reference.

On the other hand, Bulk Voice SMS Service Providers add a personal touch to communication by delivering messages in a spoken format. This can be particularly beneficial when conveying emotions, instructions, or important announcements.


Voice SMS is also inclusive, catering to individuals with varying literacy levels or those who prefer auditory communication. While text SMS services are suitable for brief and straightforward messages, voice SMS services excel in scenarios where a human touch is essential.

Voice SMS Service VS Text SMS Service

Businesses can use voice SMS to create engaging marketing campaigns, deliver personalized greetings, or provide critical updates with a more personal and empathetic touch.

Ultimately, the choice between voice and text SMS depends on the communication objectives and the preferences of the target audience. Striking a balance between the two can enhance the effectiveness of a business’s communication strategy, ensuring a comprehensive approach that resonates with a diverse range of recipients.

Choosing the Right Voice SMS Service Provider

Choosing the Right Voice SMS Service Provider

Choosing the right Voice SMS service provider is crucial for effective communication and engagement with your audience. When selecting a provider, consider factors such as reliability, scalability, and features offered. Reliability is paramount to ensure that your messages are delivered promptly without interruptions.


A provider with a proven track record of delivering messages consistently is a solid choice. Scalability is essential for accommodating your business growth. Opt for a provider that can scale its services to meet your increasing communication needs. Additionally, assess the features provided by each Bulk Voice SMS Service Provider.

Look for customizable options, interactive voice response (IVR) capabilities, and detailed analytics to gain insights into the performance of your voice campaigns. Cost is another critical factor to consider. Compare pricing plans and choose one that aligns with your budget while meeting your requirements.


Excellent customer support is also vital for addressing any issues promptly. Lastly, ensure that the provider complies with data security and privacy regulations to safeguard your customer information. By carefully evaluating these factors, you can choose a Voice SMS service provider that best suits your busin

Voice SMS Services and Multichannel Marketing

Voice SMS service plays a pivotal role in modern multichannel marketing strategies, offering businesses a dynamic and personalized way to connect with their target audience. This innovative communication tool allows companies to deliver concise yet impactful messages directly to customers’ mobile devices through voice recordings.

In the realm of multichannel marketing, where diversification is key, voice SMS stands out as a unique and engaging method.

Voice SMS Services and Multichannel Marketing

By incorporating human-like intonations and emotions, businesses can convey their brand personality effectively, fostering a deeper connection with recipients. This personal touch sets voice SMS apart from traditional text messages, capturing attention and increasing message retention.

Moreover, Bulk Voice SMS Service enhances accessibility, breaking down language barriers and reaching a broader demographic. This inclusive approach is particularly valuable for global marketing campaigns.


Additionally, the immediacy of voice messages ensures timely communication, making it ideal for time-sensitive promotions or critical announcements. As businesses continue to seek innovative ways to engage their audience, voice SMS services emerge as a powerful tool within the multichannel marketing landscape, providing a seamless blend of technology and personal connection.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are Voice SMS Services?

voice call service is provided to the customer where different users receive a call, wherein the customer’s pre-recorded message is played. These voice SMSs are sent in bulk by the sender; the motive of these messages is to tell the user about its brand/ services or further promote the same. It is transparent that these calls are becoming quite common and are getting massive hype in the marketing community. This service nowadays is also being used to check the availability of users before delivering an e commerce product at their residence.

What effect are Voice SMS services on Business?

Voice SMS services enhance business communication by fostering personalized interactions, improving customer engagement, saving time, and ensuring inclusivity. This technology aligns with evolving communication trends for optimal results.

Can I send Local and National SMS using Bulk SMS Service?

Yes, This is the most interesting part as there is no distinction in costs for nearby or public SMS and you can undoubtedly send your message all through India.

How to voice calls in bulk?

For doing the same, you will mandatorily need to subscribe to a bulk voice SMS service provider like Digitalaka, which provides services like bulk voice calling. Post your enrolment in the service, and you will get various hands-on tools and interface using which you will be able to bulk voice calls.

After making payment how long will it take for my account to get activated?

As soon as we get the affirmation of your Payment your record will be initiated within 24 hrs most extreme. You will get an SMS alert on the Registered Number for Username and Password. You will likewise get an email when the record is made.

What is the easiest way to track the success of the Voice SMS campaign?

The status of every call is available on the dashboard, and you can download it from there. This way, you can find out how your Voice SMS campaign is performing.

What is a Bulk Voice SMS /call?

Bulk Voice SMS/Call is a mass messaging service sending pre-recorded voice messages simultaneously to a large audience for communication purposes.

What is a Voice SMS? How does it help in business?

A Voice SMS is an audio message sent via a messaging platform. In business, it enhances communication by conveying emotion, enabling multilingual interactions, and facilitating efficient, hands-free engagement with clients.

How will I get the invoice ?

We work on a prepaid model. As soon as you deposit the money in our accounts, the credits would be given to you. The credits will be deducted for any of the services that you consume like outgoing calls / incoming calls etc

Which Industries Gain From Voice Calls?

Bulk voice call services in India are gaining huge popularity due to its high response rate. Almost all the industries are profiting from it. Some of these industries are:

  • Financial institutions- banks, insurance business, mutual fund managers
  • Utility services- gas, telephone, cable providers
  • Healthcare industry-hospitals and wellness centres
  • Hospitality sectors
  • Media Houses
  • Railways, airlines
  • Educational institutes-universities, schools.
Can the Voice SMS be triggered using an API?

With the help of a dedicated API, you can easily trigger a Voice SMS campaign. To know more about it, you should connect with experts, or you can also request a free demo at your convenience.

Is there any limit to the number of contacts that can be targeted in one Voice SMS campaign?

No. there’s no limit to the number of people that can be targeted in a single campaign.

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